Operational Monitoring System Parameters

X-Road: Operational Monitoring System Parameters

User Guide

Version: 0.5 Doc ID: UG-OPMONSYSPAR

Table of Contents


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1 Introduction

This document describes the system parameters of the X-Road operational monitoring system components – the operational monitoring daemon, the operational monitoring buffer and the operational monitoring service. Changing the default values of the system parameters is explained in [UG-SYSPAR].

1.1 Terms and abbreviations

See X-Road terms and abbreviations documentation [TA-TERMS].

1.2 References

UG-SYSPAR -- Cybernetica AS. X-Road: System Parameters. Document ID: UG-SYSPAR. UG-SS -- Cybernetica AS. X-Road: Security Server User Guide. Document ID: UG-SS. CRON -- Quartz Scheduler Cron Trigger Tutorial, http://www.quartz-scheduler.org/documentation/quartz-2.2.x/tutorials/crontrigger.html TA-TERMS -- X-Road Terms and Abbreviations. Document ID: TA-TERMS.

2 Operational Monitoring System Parameters

This chapter describes the system parameters used by the X-Road operational monitoring system. Changing the parameter values in the configuration file requires restarting of the system services. Managing the system services is explained in [UG-SS].

  • To change the parameter values for the server component op-monitor, the service xroad-opmonitor must be restarted after changing all parameters except op-monitor.tls-certificate.

  • The service xroad-proxy must be restarted after changing the parameters:

    • op-monitor.host

    • op-monitor.port

    • op-monitor.scheme

    • op-monitor.tls-certificate.

When changing the previous parameter values of an external monitoring daemon server, only the service xroad-opmonitor must be restarted.

  • To change the parameter values for the server components op-monitor-buffer and op-monitor-service, the service xroad-proxy must be restarted.

Last updated