Signed Document Download and Verification Manual

Signed Document Download and Verification Manual


Version: 1.10 Doc. ID: UG-SIGDOC

Version history




Initial version

Ilja Kromonov



Corrections Kristo




References updated

Kristo Heero



Editorial changes made

Imbi Nõgisto



Download URL of the asicverifier added

Kristo Heero



„Forcing missing timestamps” added

Ilja Kromonov



Parameter subsystemCode is mandatory also

Kristo Heero



Signed documents are available by default 30 days.

Kristo Heero



Convert from Word to Markdown. Asicverifier supports extracting messages when verification fails

Petteri Kivimäki



Asicverifier version option. Updated asicverifier usage and jar name

Caro Hautamäki



REST support modifications

Jarkko Hyöty



Update X-Road references from version 6 to 7

Caro Hautamäki



Minor updates

Ilkka Seppälä



Updates about encryption

Jarkko Hyöty

Table of Contents


This document is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit

1 Introduction

Messages exchanged between the X-Road security servers are signed and encrypted. For every regular request and response, the security server produces a signed document. The signatures are time-stamped either synchronously, immediately after the message has been processed by the security server, or asynchronously in periodic batches for a better performance.

This document describes the retrieving and verification process of the signed and time-stamped document [PR-SIGDOC].

1.1 References

  1. [PR-SIGDOC] Freudenthal, M. Profile for High-Perfomance Digital Signature. T-4-23, 2015.

  2. [UG-SS] Security Server User Guide. Document ID: UG-SS

2 Signed Document Download Service

The security server offers the asic web service for downloading its signed documents. The service is used via HTTP GET requests to the service URL:


where SECURITYSERVER is the actual address of the security server.

Signed documents are available via the service until they are archived and removed from the message log database (by default 30 days). This time period is configurable in the security server (messagelog parameter keep-records-for). If messagelog parameter archive-encryption-enabled is true, the messages are returned in encrypted format (OpenPGP/GnuPG, see [UG-SS] for archive encryption details).

2.1 Retrieving Signed Documents of the Entire Transaction

The service requires the identifier of the corresponding message and the X-Road client identifier to determine which signed documents to return. These can be provided with the following mandatory parameters:

  • queryId – the X-Road message transaction identifier, which is a part of the SOAP message header;

  • xRoadInstance – the X-Road instance of the client identifier;

  • memberClass – the member class of the client identifier;

  • memberCode – the member code of the client identifier;

  • subsystemCode – the subsystem code of the client identifier.

Thus, in order to retrieve the signed document for a message with transaction identifier abc12345 exchanged by security server by client EE/ENT/CLIENT1/SUB, the request URL is

If a message with the given identifier was indeed exchanged by the security server and by the specified client, the server would respond with a ZIP archive (content-type application/zip, filename, which contains signed documents for all requests and responses that match the specified parameters.

The signed documents provided by the asic service are named queryId-request-Z.asice[.gpg] and queryId-response-Z.asice.[gpg] for requests and responses, respectively, where queryId is the identifier (URL encoded) of the message and Z is a up to 13-character alphanumeric string. The .gpg suffix is added if the file is encrypted.

2.2 Retrieving a Single Signed Document

Should the user only desire the request or response then additional mutually exclusive parameters are available:

  • requestOnly – only include signed documents for request messages (response filename is[.gpg]);

  • responseOnly – only include signed documents for response messages (response filename is[.gpg]).

The aforementioned parameters make the service return a (possibly encrypted) ZIP archive, which may contain either one or more signed documents (depending if the provided queryId is unique). If only a single signed document is expected then the request can be further be constrained by adding the following parameter:

  • unique – specifies that the only a single signed document is expected in the response, must be used in combination with either requestOnly or responseOnly parameter.

If this parameter is used and, indeed, the query identifier is unique, then the security server responds with a single signed document (content-type application/vnd.etsi.asic-e+zip, or application/octet-stream if the archive is encrypted) which represents the corresponding message.

2.3 Forcing Missing Timestamps To Be Created

If the security server was configured to timestamp messages asynchronously it may be possible that there is no timestamp associated with one or more signatures of the requested documents. In this case the request will fail with an internal error and return an appropriate error message string - "Some message signatures have not been timestamped yet!" (or "Message signature has not been timestamped yet!" if requesting a single document only).

If this behavior is not desired the following parameter can be used:

  • force – specifies that the timestamping procedure should be executed explicitly in case any of the requested document signatures have no associated timestamps.

Thus, in order to retrieve the signed document for a message with transaction identifier abc12345 exchanged by the security server by the client EE/ENT/CLIENT1/SUB and force any missing timestamps to be created, the request URL is

Should there be no working time-stamping provider available to the security server, the signed document retrieval service will respond with the error message "Failed to get timestamp from any time-stamping providers".

2.4 Authentication

In case the security server administrator has configured the connection between the service client and the security server to require authentication, requests to the asic service would need to be made via HTTPS.

The security server would need the certificate of the service client to be provided as part of the session, when the user makes the request to download a signed document for a message associated with this service client.

2.5 Error Conditions

The asic service responds with the HTTP error code and plain text error message if error occurs. The possible error codes are:

  1. 400 Bad Request – the combination of received parameters is invalid or some required parameter is missing.

  2. 401 Unauthorized – the connection was made via HTTPS and the user failed to provide the correct certificate.

  3. 404 Not Found – no signed documents matching the provided parameters were found. Also, the signed document may be not time-stamped yet.

  4. 500 Internal Server Error – an unexpected internal error occurred (e.g., the provided service client identifier does not match any registered client on the security server).

3 Signed Document Verification Tool

Verification of signed documents is done by the asicverifier utility tool. The tool is written in the Java programming language and therefore requires Java 8 Runtime Environment (JRE) to be installed on the user's workstation. On Unix-like operating systems the JRE can be installed using package management software or downloaded from the Oracle website.

The asicverifier utility is shipped with security server and it is located in the following directory:


3.1 Usage

The asicverifier utility is run as follows:

java -jar asicverifier.jar ( --version | <configuration path> <signed document> )

where <signed document> is the path to the signed document being verified and <configuration path> is the path to the verification configuration for this container (see Section 3.2 ). You can check the version of the asicverifier tool with the --version option.

If verification is successful the output will be similar to:

Loading configuration from18 verificationconf/... 
Verifying ASiC container "abc12345-request-1ab2c3d4f5.asice" ... 
Verification successful. 
        Subject: CN=CLIENT1, O=COM, C=EE 
        Issuer: C=EE, O=EJBCA Sample, CN=AdminCA1 
        Serial number: 897779140320284054 
        Valid from: Mon May 04 14:30:38 EEST 2015 
        Valid until: Wed May 03 14:30:38 EEST 2017 
OCSP response 
    Signed by: 
        Subject: C=EE, O=EJBCA Sample, CN=AdminCA1 
        Issuer: C=EE, O=EJBCA Sample, CN=AdminCA1 
        Serial number: 6005434255669835317 
        Valid from: Thu Jun 14 13:04:29 EEST 2012 
        Valid until: Sun Jun 12 13:04:29 EEST 2022 
    Produced at: Fri Jun 05 08:47:11 EEST 2015 
    Signed by: 
        Subject: CN=timestamp1, O=Internet Widgits Pty Ltd, C=EE 
        Issuer: CN=timestamp1, O=Internet Widgits Pty Ltd, C=EE 
        Serial number: 12319570547049363959 
        Valid from: Sun Nov 30 22:13:44 EET 2014 
        Valid until: Wed Nov 27 22:13:44 EET 2024 
    Date: Fri Jun 05 09:31:37 EEST 2015 

Would you like to extract the signed files? (y/n) y 
Created file message.xml 
Files successfully extracted.

As can be seen from the example above, the asicverifier tool will optionally extract the signed files to the working directory. In the case of REST message, the request/response line and headers are in message.xml and the REST body (if logged) is present in a file attachment1.

Should the verification fail, the reason for failure will be presented to the user in an error message. For example:

Loading configuration from verificationconf/... 
Verifying ASiC container "abc12345-request-1ab2c3d4f5.asice" ... 
Verification failed: Certificate is not issued by approved certification service provider.

Would you like to extract the signed files? (y/n) y
Created file message.xml
Files successfully extracted.

In case of verification failure, the asicverifier tool will optionally extract the signed files to the working directory.

Notice that when messagelog.message-body-logging property is set to false, the verification always fails with the error message:

Verification failed: Signature is not valid

3.2 Verification Configuration

The asicverifier tool requires the proper verification configuration containing certificates needed by the verification process. The verification configuration can be downloaded from the same security server by making a HTTP GET request to the URL:


where SECURITYSERVER is the actual address of the security server.

The verificationconf service has no parameters and responds with a ZIP archive (content-type application/zip, filename This archive needs to be extracted and the location of it's contents used as an argument to the asicverifier tool.

A convenient way to download the verification configuration is with the web browser or use of the curl tool:

curl -J -O

Last updated